Netaddiction owns some of the most popular web sites in Italy and their social and video channels and also represents as advertising dealer a network of more than 25 vertical web site.  The  publishing group is able to define and intercept extremely profiled audiences that rely daily on our brands for information, advice and entertainment at 360 degrees.

From cinema to video games, from automotive to general news, through the world of food and the female universe: a portfolio of owners of vertical sites that touch all the main topics of everyday life. The editorial and video production counts hundreds of articles, news, social posts, video on demand, and live streaming every day, distributed on the multiplicity of channels which we have access to with competence, effectiveness and timeliness, thanks to the work of over 150 contributors throughout Italy.

We talk every month to over 16 million loyal readers who entertain themselves through the content produced and published by our editors. The websites of our editorial group are influential and believable, and speak directly and colloquially, but at the same time professionally, to those who really have an interest in the product and service in an active way: the end consumers.


User guides, insights, interviews, editorial rankings, special videos – even live streaming: these are just some of the CONTENT possibilities we offer to our customers, choose with us the best way to communicate your product.

Where the game are

Multiplayer.it is the first Italian web magazine completely dedicated to gaming and digital entertainment. Born in 1999, today it has more than 2 million monthly readers, and more than 700 thousand social followers.
Multiplayer.it’s video production is the best in italian videogames journalism, and the official Twitch channel is one of the most followed and appreciated by the gamer audience.
Specialized editors produce daily unpublished content including articles, videos (live and on-demand) and reviews dedicated to video games for every platform (PC, console, smartphone and tablet) and engage and entertain an audience of readers highly loyal to the web magazine.

Founded: February 1999
Unique monthly users (Analytics): 2.000.000
Page Views: 9.000.000
Demographics: Age: 18-34 / 62% Gender: M 78% / F 22%
Interests: Gaming, Tech, Comics, Tv Series & Streaming Video, Movies, Pop & Nerd Culture

Beautiful like a magazine, updated like a blog: social and interactive

Lega Nerd is the benchmark of nerd and geek culture in Italy, the first Italian publishing platform completely based on crowdsourcing. Lega Nerd talks about every news and potentially interesting and curious topic.

Founded: March 2009
Unique monthly users (Analytics): 300.000
Page Views: 500.000
Demographics –  Age: 18-34 / 50% Gender: M 71% / F 29%
Interests: Science, Tech, Movies, Videogames, Cult Movies, Nerd & Geek Culture, Fun

The Cinema beyond the screen

Movieplayer.it is a web magazine dedicated to cinema, TV series and streaming video.  The site offers high quality content that range from editorial in-depth to gossip news, with the right mix of reviews, film critiquing and trivia, supported by high-end video productions. Movieplayer.it’s editors attend the most important international film festivals. The site produces every week over than 140 editorial content beetween news, reviews and original videos.

Founded: January 2004
Unique monthly users (Analytics): 4.000.000
Page Views: 9.000.000
Demographics: Age: 25-44 48% Gender: M 53% / F 47%
Interests: Cinema, TV Series, Cartoons, Gossip, SVOD/VOD

Nothing except pizza

Garage.pizza is a web magazine totally dedicated to pizza’s world and the related food industry. The most popular contents are food guides, tips and tricks, interviews, video, podcast and also the best pizza’s italian recipes. Inside Garage Pizza an important section is dedicated to Pizza Advisor, the unique search engine on the best pizzerias in Italy.

Founded: 2020
Unique Users (Analytics): 35.000
Page Views:  72.000
Demographic – Age: 25-44 / 54% – Gender: M 58% / F 42%
Interests: Pizza, Culinary Critique, Wines, Food Tourism, Food News

Nothing sacred except food

Dissapore.com is the most followed  food guide in Italy. The magazine is a point of reference for both food industry and end consumer. Founded in 2009, Dissapore has established itself as a model for many digital publishers of the sector, getting rapidly into the position of influencing and changing the way we communicate about food. First irreverent, now authoritative, Dissapore has also established itself as a guide to modern taste, in all its forms.

Founded: 2009
Unique Users (Analytics): 1.500.000
Page Views: 2.500.000
Demographic: Age: 25-44 / 46% Gender: M 48% / F 52%
Interests: Haute Cousine, Culinary Critique, Wines, Food Tourism, Food News

Live and share your passions!

FidelityHouse is a network of vertical sites about the most current daily topics: from cooking to the news and chronicle, from tech to beauty, each editorial channel is full of fresh, daily news that is quick and easy to use.

Founded: 2011
Unique Users (Analytics): 6.000.000
Page Views: 40.000.000
Demographic: Age: 25-44 /48% Gender: M 44% F 56%
Interests: News, Food, Travel, Pet, Tech, Cinema, Wellness, Automotive, Beauty, Health

The first online food and wine advertising network

VinoClic is the first online food and wine advertising network, a circuit of 82 specialized websites and blogs able to offer a targeted and goal-oriented advertising system to all companies interested in Wine & Food market.

Founded: 2009
Unique Users (Analytics): 4.000.000
Page Views:  6.600.000
Audience Loyalty:  63%
Demographic – Age: 25-44 / 47% Gender: M 37% / F 63%
Interests: Food & Beverage, Wine, Spirits